When Worlds Collide: Instacart Hiccups and Bel-Air Serendipity

Show Notes:

Links to the Podcast!

Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mariah-effect/id1686592829

Spotify  https://open.spotify.com/show/2OCSU8xOL1RaxMKtOmJRHB?si=dcfa506722fb43a9

iHeart radio. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/53-the-mariah-effect-114523514/

Goodpods https://goodpods.app.link/hTZAchQgAzb

Spreaker podcast player https://www.spreaker.com/user/17109124/the-mariah-effect-5-for-realsies-5-3-23-

In Episode 2 of The Mariah Effect, Mariah and Jason delve into a captivating conversation revolving around a challenging week filled with unexpected turns. Mariah shares a personal story about a mishap with an Instacart order that left her feeling overwhelmed. They explore the difficulties of managing expectations in an unpredictable job, highlighting the pressures and frustrations that can arise. Amidst the chaos, Mariah finds solace and a glimmer of joy when she realized she was delivering the order in Bel-Air. This unexpected connection to a beloved TV show brings a touch of light into an otherwise dark day. Together, Mariah and Jason reflect on the contrasts between suburban life in Utah and the vibrant nature of a big city, offering unique insights into navigating unpredictable circumstances and finding moments of unexpected delight.

Discussed in this episode:

  • Mariah’s cold that was killer..

  • The differences in Italian dishes (which is nothing)

  • “Money doesn’t bring happiness” and why that phrase isn’t exactly right

  • A story from Mariah’s instacart working days

  • How time changes everything

  • Our Patreon

The Mariah Effect:


From Fiction to Reality: Finding Ourselves in Fruits Basket


From Negative Thoughts to Metaphorical Hotdogs: A Journey in Perspective