Hi all! I’m Mariah from The Mariah Effect podcast. This site is the place to find all our social media platforms, Patreon information, newsletters for updates on my journey and where you can submit your stories that we might share on the podcast! Thank you for listening and visiting our page, we appreciate each and every one of you.

Our Content

Here is information about the content we offer. Links to the podcast itself (including any resources that’ll be included in our show notes), to my newsletter with any updates on my cancer journey, and our Patreon which offers different exclusive content at separate levels for our listeners.

  • The Mariah Effect is our podcast where I share personal stories and my cousin Jason. I reflect on their social implications and how I feel today about it. My mission is simple: try compassion. Through my podcast, I hope to inspire empathy and understanding in my listeners so that we can all work towards a kinder world.

  • Anyone interested in reading my weekly update on all things medical can read it here! Be forewarned that it may range in size but will always have at least a brief update on how I’m doing this week.

  • To keep our content alive and to offer more exclusives to our listeners, we do have a Patreon with three tiers named after my favorite animals. This will have exclusive content ranging from early access to handwritten responses from Jason and I.

More about the brand

It’s The Mariah Effect but our tagline is “try compassion”. It’s a testament to everything we want to put into the world. A lot of my life has been filled with people who at the time seemed to be out to get me or to be spiteful or cruel unnecessarily. However, with some reflection on my life I can see that’s not always the case. I want people to learn from my mistakes and start with compassion first. 

Share your Stories!

Tell us a crazy wild story, a time you didn’t know what to do, a problem you are currently facing and want advice, or just your personal story so far. Please tell us and you may be featured in an episode where we will talk about it in the same way we talk about my stories.

Please be as detailed as you can and let us know if you want to be shouted out or go by a code name or not in the podcast at all! It’s totally up to you. If we receive a lot of submissions, I may pull names out of a hat…

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